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Prostate Surgery Prostate Surgery in Pune

What is prostate and what are the  problems caused by  its enlargement in old age?
The prostate is a gland present in all males that sits below the urinary bladder. Normally, it is small in size. In old age, it enlarges in size (called benign prostastic enlargement, or BPH) and may cause problems with urination.

There are different types of prostate surgery

1. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): TURP is a common procedure for treating BPH. During this surgery, a surgeon removes excess prostate tissue that is blocking the urethra using a resectoscope inserted through the penis.

2. HOLEP/ThuLEP: Endoscope enucleation of prostate through urethra is done using a holumium or thulium laser .It is used for large prostates.

3. Open Prostatectomy: In cases of larger prostates, an open prostatectomy may be performed. This involves making an incision in the lower abdomen to remove the obstructive prostate tissue.
4. Robotic-Assisted Prostatectomy: it is currently standard of care for early prostate cancer world wide and is available in Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital routinely

5. Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer: Surgical removal of the prostate may be recommended in cases of prostate cancer. This can be done through various approaches, including open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or robotic-assisted surgery.

What is TURP?

Minimally invasive BPH treatment used  to remove prostate endoscopically. The gold standard surgery for BPH is a TURP or transurethral resection of prostate.  In TURP, the surgeon inserts a thin telescopic tube up the urethra and nibbles away pieces of the prostate to widen the channel, which will improve the urine flow.

Open Prostatectomy

It is usually performed when the prostate is too large to be removed endoscopically.  Todaythis method is rarely used for removal of prostate.

What is bipolar TURP?

It is a recent  advancement in treatment of BPH.

The limitation of TURP in treatment of large prostate is fluid absorption into the body and consequent side effects. This is overcome when bipolar TURP  is used.  It is a special piece of equipment where there are no side effects of fluid absorption. This allows

  • Treatment of large prostate with endoscopic method.
  • Follow the conventional gold standard
  • TURP
  • Reduces the side effects

Other new  options include laser prostatectomy and green light laser prostatectomy.  ?

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